Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic, Ottawa, Ontario

Andrew Bouchier, RMT

After a career in the Canadian Forces, I spent several years as an IT specialist at the RCMP. I switched paths again in 2005 when I returned to school to study massage therapy. I have been working full time as a Registered Massage Therapist since 2008 and continue to enjoy it very much.

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a type of massage that involves movement. It can be very effective at locating and treating painful repetitive stress injuries.

This type of work requires special training, which I pursued immediately after graduation from massage school. “ART provider” is my niche as an RMT.

I offer active release therapy techniques on the following days:

Wednesday 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

To schedule an appointment, please contact the clinic at 613-747-0444.

Active Release Techniques Rates with Andrew

15 minutes * $ 37.00 + HST
30 minutes * $ 63.00 + HST
45 minutes * $ 89.00 + HST
60 minutes $ 110.00 + HST

These rates are for the combination of ART and Massage Therapy.

* These shorter appointments are available for existing clients who are returning for follow-up treatments.

Active Release Techniques rates do not include HST.