
/Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic

About Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic

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So far Beacon Hill Chiropractic Clinic has created 17 blog entries.

How do I know if I should be taking my child to see a Chiropractor?

What are possible signs or conditions to indicate taking my child for Chiropractic care? Certainly chiropractic treatment can help with most back pain related conditions but subluxations of the spinal vertebrae can interfere with the nervous system and affect your child’s health in other ways. Chiropractors have found that the following conditions can respond to [...]

How do I know if I need orthotics?

Chiropractors will often look at your feet as part of their assessment of your back problem. The alignment of your feet has a direct impact on the rest of your body including your spine. By supporting the weight of everything above them, a small foot problem will alter your gait and cause changes in your [...]

Home tips for Sciatica

What can I do at home to help my Sciatica? When the sciatic nerve is irritated it can cause leg and buttock pain, numbness or tingling all the way to the toes not to mention lower back pain. Even with frequent chiropractic care to improve function in the lower back reducing stress on this nerve, [...]

Best exercise to reverse damage from heart aging?

According to research from UT southwestern University middle aged sedentary people can improve substantially their heart and aerobic fitness if they exercise intensely and frequently enough. Without exercise of an aerobic nature the heart muscle becomes stiff and less flexible leading to high blood pressure and less ability to pump oxygen rich blood back out [...]

Can text messaging affect my health?

It is good to be connected with friends and information but there are definite drawbacks for your spine. If you look around at most young and many not so young people today you see them hunched over their Blackberries or I-phones texting or surfing the internet. It is good to always be connected with friends [...]